There are numerous advantages to self-publishing on Calaméo. Maybe you have the beginning of a novel lying dormant on your computer that you don’t know what to do with. Or perhaps you’ve just finished a collection of poems that you’d like to share with the world. We will give you 5 great reasons why self-publishing your work on Calaméo is the solution.
What is self-publishing?
Self-publishing means that there is no middleman. You are the one making all the decisions. No matter the subject or the form of your stories, self-publishing allows you to share all your original manuscripts without restriction.
You also decide when your work is ready to be read and shared. There’s no need to reach a certain number of pages, to have an impeccable vocabulary, or to confine yourself to one writing style or genre in particular. You publish what you want, when you want.
Self-publishing presents many advantages for amateur or aspiring authors (who want to gain some popularity before they venture into selling their publications, for example).
Why self-publish with Calaméo?
1. It’s fast and easy
Create your Calaméo account in just a few clicks. Then, all you need to do is click on the “Publish” button and choose which file to upload to the platform. Yes, it’s really that easy! There is only one upload step, and your document is published.
2. As many corrections as you want
No need to start from scratch each time you make a change in your novel: you can simply upload a new version. You can update your publication, and the URL and other enhancements (videos, links, etc.) stay the same.
3. Enrich your stories with multimedia
Digital publishing’s main advantage over paper? The possibility of enriching your writing and turning your publications into real multimedia experiences! Adding internal or external links, images, videos, GIFs…it’s incredibly easy with Calaméo’s Editor tool.
4. Sharing and visibility
By publishing your manuscripts online, you are making them visible and easy to share. With Calaméo, you can embed your publications directly on your website or blog. In addition, if you share the URL of your publication on social media, people can read it directly on your social media post. A great way to generate some buzz!
5. And best of all: it’s free!
Because your writing will be free to read, you probably don’t want to spend anything to put it online. Start your self-publishing adventure by creating a BASIC account on Calaméo; it’s completely free! You can always choose to upgrade your account if you want to take advantage of even more features.
Finally, self-publishing could lead to publishing houses discovering your work. And who knows? You could become a published author after all!