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The ability to include external links is a key feature of digital publishing. For many publishers, increasing the number of readers who click on their links is an important goal. The click-through rate (CTR) of a link will tell you which percentage of total viewers clicked on it. So what are some quick steps you can take to boost CTR in your digital publications?
Start Linking
The first step to boosting your CTR couldn’t be simpler: add external links to your publications! You can insert links with our easy-to-use Editor once your document has been uploaded to Calaméo. If you prefer to include links in your original document, be sure that you format them correctly and they will be automatically converted in your publication.
Consider Mobile
Did you know that over 50% of Internet users worldwide browse on their mobile devices? It’s true—and means you should always check how your links look on mobile. Thanks to our HTML5 viewer, your publications on Calaméo always display perfectly on any device. For example, this page from Longo’s Magazine with video and external links looks beautiful on a smartphone:
To ensure best results, we recommend opening your publication on your phone and test clicking. You may want to adjust the size of your links or experiment with custom link colors and behaviors to optimize them for mobile.
Include a CTA
Now that your readers can see all of your links as they page through your publication, it’s time to tell them why they should click. In other words, you can help improve your CTR with a “Call to Action” (CTA)! A good CTA will briefly give your audience an idea of what they’ll be doing once they click your link. To add a CTA to an external link on Calaméo, first open your publication in the Calaméo Editor. Next, select the link icon and type the CTA in the “Label” field.
The example above shows a strong CTA for a link to more information about an event or activity. Readers will know that by following the link, they can register for the event that interests them.
Analyze What Works
Understanding which of your external links have the highest click-through rate can offer valuable lessons. Is there a particular CTA that performs better than the rest? Perhaps links placed on a specific page or even on a certain spot receive more clicks than others. With advanced PLATINUM statistics, you enjoy access to a detailed breakdown of link clicks for each of your publications.
See the number of clicks on every link, including audio and video elements. Plus, the CTR is calculated for you automatically.
Equipped with these quick tips, you should in great shape to optimize your external links and boost CTR for your publications on Calaméo. Want to go even further to drive traffic to your website? Check out our post on 5 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic with Calaméo!
If you have questions about your Calaméo statistics, it’s no problem. Visit our Help Center for more information or write to us at anytime.
In the world of social media, Pinterest stands out. Instead of a chronological feed of posts, Pinterest shows its users a mix of content curated to reflect their interests.
Pinterest users can follow friends or topics like “Travel,” search for more specific subjects and create their own posts called “pins.” Then they save ideas for later by organizing posts on personalized boards. And there are a lot of them: more than 200 million Pinterest users have posted over 100 billion pins.
Although Pinterest is a little bit different it can be a great place to promote your business’s online publications. In this article we’ll explain three opportunities for digital publishers on Pinterest and how you can take advantage of them.
Drive Traffic
Don’t underestimate the power of pins to drive traffic: in 2017, Pinterest was the biggest social source of referrals after Facebook and has continued to show impressive growth. Creating pins that feature your publications is an easy way to help Pinterest users discover them.
First set up a Pinterest profile, then get pinning! Since each pin on Pinterest has an image, a short description and a link, every post is a golden opportunity to bring more readers to your publication. Here’s an example from Wedding Vibes pinned to Calaméo’s page:
You can create posts in Pinterest or pin a publication directly from Calaméo—it’s a breeze! First, go to your account’s Publications tab, select Share for the title you want to pin and click on the Pinterest icon. This will take you to Pinterest, where you’ll be able to choose an image for your pin and add a description.
We recommend that digital publishers dedicate a board on their Pinterest profile to pinning every issue of their publication. This example shows how 95° Magazine encourages curious Pinterest users to browse its archives:
Get Audience Insights
Posting your digital publications to Pinterest as pins can grow your audience by bringing in new readers who find them in their feeds. But establishing a Pinterest profile for your business can bring you valuable insights about your existing audience, too.
Chances are, your publications may already have been shared on Pinterest by your readers! Find out with the advanced statistics in our PLATINUM plan: our analytics include a breakdown of your publications’ social media shares by platform, so you can see how many times they have already been pinned.
The results might surprise you!
To get more information about your audience on Pinterest, we suggest that you set up your account with a business profile. This gives you access to statistics about your audience on Pinterest, including gender, location and interests. Armed with insights about your Calaméo readership and Pinterest reach, you can tailor your online publications to build stronger connections with your audience.
💡TIP: Connecting your Calaméo account to Google Analytics lets you analyze traffic from Pinterest to your publications in detail. Upgrade to PLATINUM to enjoy this feature!
Engage New Clients
Pinterest is a destination for users researching purchases. It has been estimated that 87 percent of the social network’s users have bought something that they saw on Pinterest first. This makes Pinterest a natural platform for posting products, but it’s also a reason to post inspiring content. Inspired users are more likely to become readers, who are more likely to become customers.
To make the most out of your business’s Pinterest presence, pin a variety of interesting material. Pinterest users look for vacation and travel planning, recipe ideas, professional development materials, home design and more. Try posting individual features, photos or articles from your publications to different boards, like in the example below from Hamilton Island:
Organizing your content by subject maximizes the appeal to potential readers and helps engage potential buyers.
These basics should give you some ideas for how to get started sharing your business’s digital publiations on Pinterest. We can’t wait to see you there!
We love covering social media here on the blog. Check out our tips for digital publishers on Facebook and YouTube, or have a look at our guide to polished shares on any social media network.